Wednesday, October 01, 2003

My latest projects and thoughts

First of all, I want to thank the people that
have been sending me supportive emails.
It makes me feel good to know I am making
a difference. I am always glad to hear from
people out there from either side of this

My wife and I both devote quite
a bit of time each day not only to this site,
but to various forums, letter-writing campaigns,
and now I have participated in my first demo
at KFC in Russellville, AR. Which brings me to
my first announcement.

I have started a photo page. On there, you
can see a picture of me at the press conference
PETA held in Little Rock shortly after I came out
with my statement. There are also a few pics
from our demo today.

Next, since I have had so much interest in this
topic, and since there are many forums/boards
and groups devoted to animal welfare/rights
overall, I decided it might be more effective to
start a group that debated the issue of factory
farming almost exclusively.

While I do care about the many other issues and
will still participate in writing letters and discussing
them other places, I have realized that I fill a niche
because of my experiences. I have realized that,
while I am a voice among many as far as saving a
piece of land, or protesting a cruelty case, I have
a much more effective voice when it comes to
factory farming, especially as it pertains to poultry.

Therefore I set up a group at Yahoo! to discuss
this. If anyone would like to join, I will be glad to
hear your opinions and beliefs with regard to this
issue. My pictures are there, too.

Finally, a reader sent me a link the other day that
I found very interesting. It was a paper written
by a philosopher on "Why Your Beliefs Commit
to not eating meat. I would be quite
interested in hearing what you think about this.
I found his arguments to be well-thought-out,
convincing, and hard to argue with.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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