Sunday, August 07, 2005

Becoming Involved

When I first became involved in the animal rights movement I was astonished at the scope of it all. Coming form a rural background such as I did, I was never exposed to groups like PETA and UPC. This was all very new to me, and needless to say, has taken some serious getting used to.

At first I had to find my niche - where I fit into it all. Tht was pretty easy. My experience was factory farming, poultry in particular.

Secondly, I had to find a group in which I fit. There really was none that I knew of, so I started my own - Activists Againt Factory Farming. Well, two now, actually. I finally started a second group at Care2 as a discussion group after the first one at Yahoo became more of a newsletter group as our membership evolved. Some people are members of both.

I had some help some help, though. Billye Thompson, in particular, was and still remains a dedicated supporter of our work. We couldn't do nearly as much as we currently do without her help. Our groups have taken off like rocket sleds on rails, especially the one at Care2. I hope those of you who read this will consider joining.

Also, I would like to mention pattrice jones at Eastern Shore Sanctuary. pattrice really impressed me when I met her at Karen Davis' UPC Forum. They really seem do dedicated to what they are doing, and I hope you really do see fit to help them out. You can still help them both out, even after this event is over, so please do. These sanctuaries really need the help and many times don't get what they need and deserve. I give my word that any contribution you make will be well used.

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