Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sanctuary Work

There is a tremendous amount of work involved in operating a sanctuary. Even a small one like ours. One like Eastern Shore is definitely more complex and time consuming. With several hundred birds to care for, the hours are long and the work exhausting. I cannot imagine the amount of time and effort that goes into each day's activities, not to mention the expense of caring for that many birds. (Though I figure beore all is said and done, I will find out.)

These people need so much, not only in monetary contributions, but also in volunteer work. What would it hurt to spend a few hours a week helping out? I know that if I found myself up there for any length of time I certainly would give of my time to help out.

No sanctuary nearby? Then what about a shelter? Almost every community has a shelter in desperate need of help. It may not be glamorous work shoveling poop, but it must be done. Just as loving petting and love must be given. Take it from me and Laura that the effort is well worth the reward.

The point that I am trying to make here is not only money is needed, but also time and effort as well. The same situation exists at all sanctuaries, especially in the cold winter months. So, if you can't afford to help in dollars, then give some of your time. I'm sure that pattrice (or whatever sanctuary is nearest you) would very much appreciate it.

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